Friday, July 24, 2009

Loss of an Artist--Again

Writer E. Lynn Harris died today at 54.

Before anybody was talking about the "down low" E. Lynn Harris pulled back the curtains, whether we wanted to see or not. I was not his biggest fan, but I'm saddened at the loss of a brave artist who offered his truth, his stories, his talent. Perhaps he still had more to tell us.


3 Bay B Chicks said...

Interesting. I had no idea that this writer had passed on, but I will definitely be checking out google to learn more.


PS: I love the concept behind your blog...very original.

Ink said...

This is really sad news. He was courageous (I read somewhere that he started writing when he was going through a suicidal patch, and look what he produced...powerful work).

The Steel Magnolia said...

Indeed, it is sad. And even more so when we consider his age. The 50s seems like such a prime time in life--it's not a time for endings . . . .