Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Day After Halloween

Had a wonderful Halloween. We spent the day at one of those jumping places, then trick-or-treating in the evening. The Babydoll doesn't like chocolate (I think we're going to see the doctor about that) so she brought all of her chocolate straight to me. I'll be eating bite size candy for days. And Baby Boy could say "Twick o' Tweet" (fairly) clearly for the first time. Yipppee! It was a fabulous day indeed!


ck said...

My daughter gave me all of her candy too, but that was because we traded it for a present. (She never would've given it over to me like your daughter did!)

The Steel Magnolia said...

Trading it for a present is a good idea. I just throw most of the it away as soon as they forget about it. And I've eaten my fill. :)

evenshine said...

You might check with your dentist. Mine has a "buy-back" party, where they pay by the pound for Halloween candy, and the candy goes to the troops!
And what's this about not liking chocolate???? That will change with her first PMS!!

The Steel Magnolia said...

Evenshine, I totally agree! It's her only flaw (hee, hee).